JAPAN BLUE INDIGO DYEING TECHNIQUES A Beginner’s Guide to Shibori Tie‐Dyeing[本/雑誌] / PiggyTsujioka/〔著〕 HisakoRokkaku/〔著〕 SEIWA/〔著〕 〔SanaeIshida/訳〕

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ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>『藍染ガイドブック』(グラフィック社)英訳版。家庭でも簡単に楽しめる「藍染め」の技術を紹介。<収録内容>1 Indigo Dyeing Basics:How to make the indigo dye vat and basic dyeing dyeing techniques2 Dip dyeing(Hitashizome)and Gradation Dyeing(Danzome):How to make pale shades gradation dyeing steps3 Nui Shibori:Resist dyeing by sewing and twisting4 Itajime Shibori:A resist dye technique of sandwiching fabric sections between wooden pieces5 Other Techniques:Includes unique methods such as shibori with rubber bands braiding using plastic bottles or hosiery.6 Other Things to Dye:Materials other than cotton or linen・Things with colors and patterns/prints・Three‐dimensional objects7 Bleaching:Using chlorite to bleach8 Wax Resist Dyeing with Meltoron:The wax acts as a resist that the dye cannot penetrate so the fabric remains white where the wax was applied.<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2799940PiggyTsujioka / [Cho] HisakoRokkaku / [Cho] SEIWA / [Cho] [SanaeIshida / Yaku] / JAPAN BLUE INDIGO DYEING TECHNIQUES a Beginner’s Guide to Shibori Tie Dyeingメディア:本/雑誌重量:540g発売日:2022/11JAN:9784805316931JAPAN BLUE INDIGO DYEING TECHNIQUES A Beginner’s Guide to Shibori Tie‐Dyeing[本/雑誌] / PiggyTsujioka/〔著〕 HisakoRokkaku/〔著〕 SEIWA/〔著〕 〔SanaeIshida/訳〕2022/11発売