マルアイ ミッフィーガーゼハンカチ多当 ブルー Pノ-MY10B マルアイ 4902850277112(170セット)

현지 판매가격(엔)
78,030 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
748,550 원

총 금액 : 0원

マルアイ ミッフィー ガーゼハンカチ多当 ブルー Pノ-MY10B(170セット)9.5cm×18cmthe envelope by using the essentials of parenting in 9.5 cm × 18 cm gauze handkerchief. Please use as a handkerchief while after I gave as a celebration. Carousel exudes and soft shades of baby-friendly and off white ribbon town friendly atmosphere. Handkerchief in 100% cotton, made in Japan with peace of mind. Using baby-friendly dyes. Comes with Reed's birth celebrated and we celebrated two types. In the celebration of the birth of course, guests entrance celebration, etc. In the sack.