メロディアン ※メロディアンミニ3ml×50P 4902390302206

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287 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
2,880 원

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コーヒーの風味をそのままに、広がる味と香り。オビの色は定期的に変更します。優先的に使用すべきポーションがひと目で分かります!中身が飛びだしにくい容器を採用!●ミルク●少量タイプ●内容量:3mL●1袋入数:50個●賞味期限:1カ月以上 Taste and a fragrance to just spread for a flavor of the coffee. I change the color of Ob regularly. I understand the portion which you should use with precedence at a glance! The contents adopt the container which is hard to protrude! ●Capacity in milk ● small quantity type ●: A 3mL ● one bag number containing: 50 ● expiration date: More than one monthHow to order in shopping cart