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こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーはこちらでご案内しております。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Family-AnimatedHoliday-Christmas (Animated)発売日:2018/10/16収録分数:44公開年:1985ディスク枚数:1コメント:As twins Prince Adam and Princess Adora (aka He-Man and She-Ra) celebrate their birthday on Eternia, bumbling sorcerer Orko is accidentally transported to Earth during the holiday season. After befriending two wayward children, Orko returns home, bringing the kids and the spirit of Christmas with him. Will the Yuletide cheer be enough to thwart the evil plots of vile villains Skeletor and Hordak?As twins Prince Adam and Princess Adora (aka He-Man and She-Ra) celebrate their birthday on Eternia, bumbling sorcerer Orko is accidentally transported to Earth during the holiday season. After befriending two wayward children, Orko returns home, bringing the kids and the spirit of Christmas with him. Will the Yuletide cheer be enough to thwart the evil plots of vile villains Skeletor and Hordak?