A Mother's Secret A beautiful, heartbreaking novel of love, loss and hidden tragedy【電子書籍】[ Renita D'Silva ]

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<h2>What if you discovered that everything you knew about yourself was a lie?</h2><br />When pregnant Jaya loses her mother, then her baby son Arun in a tragic cot death, her world crashes down. Overcome by grief and guilt, she begins to search for answers &\#x2013; to the enigma of her lonely, distant mother, and her mysterious past in India. <br /><br />Looking through her mother&\#x2019;s belongings, she finds two diaries and old photographs, carrying the smoky aroma of fire. A young boy smiles out at Jaya from every photograph &\#x2013; and in one, a family stand proudly in front of a sprawling mansion. Who is this child? And why did her mother treasure this memento of a regal family lost to the past? <br /><br />As Jaya starts to read the diaries, their secrets lead her back to India, to the ruin of a once grand house on a hill. There, Kali, a mad old lady, will unlock the story of a devastating lie and a fire that tore a family apart. <br /><br />Nothing though will prepare Jaya for the house&\#x2019;s final revelation, which will change everything Jaya knew about herself. <br /><br /><b>If you enjoy Dinah Jefferies, Lucinda Riley and Santa Montefiore, you will love this unforgettable journey through the lush landscape of India to the heart of what it means to be a mother and daughter.</b><br /><br /><h2><b>What everyone is saying about <i>A Mother&\#x2019;s Secret</i>:</b></h2><br />&\#x2018;<b>5 out of 5 stars</b>&\#x2026;I read it in one shot because I couldn&\#x2019;t bear to stop&\#x2026;what I can promise you is that it is a great read&\#x2026;<b>A book that was an absolute pleasure to read</b>.&\#x2019; <i>Any Excuse to Read</i><br /><br />&\#x2018;<b>I loved this book</b>, the descriptions of India, the mansion, the food and the people are swoon worthy. And the characters are so real, so believable, so frail and fraught with their own mistakes, I felt like I was an observer, watching real people as I read this book.&\#x2019; <i>For the Love of Books</i><br /><br />&\#x2018;<b>I was hooked...I absolutely adored this book</b>&\#x2026;This <b>won my heart&\#x2026;5\*</b>.&\#x2019; <i>Laura&\#x2019;s Book Blog Corner</i><br /><br />&\#x2018;From the very beginning <i>A Mother&\#x2019;s Secret</i> by Renita D&\#x2019;Silva has rightfully bagged its place in my list of favourite books&\#x2026;The character development is phenomenal and these are <b>characters that will remain etched in my memory for a long time</b>&\#x2026;D&\#x2019;Silva <b>weaves magic with her words</b>&\#x2026;To say that D&\#x2019;Silva is a brilliant writer would not be an exaggeration&\#x2026;There were times during the course of the story that I became aware of <b>goosebumps on my skin because of the very raw emotions&\#x2026;wonderful</b>&\#x2019; <i>Indian Fiction for You</i><br /> <br />&\#x2018;Love, loss, deceit, envy, pride, heartache &\#x2026;well-written, entertaining and satisfying.&\#x2019; <i>Janni B&\#x2019;s Books</i><br /><br />&\#x2018;Renita&\#x2019;s <b>wonderful writing&\#x2026;radiates from the pages</b>&\#x2026;an absorbing story&\#x2026;a story that unfolded layer by layer into what proved to be a beautifully crafted piece of writing where the author laid bare her heart and soul on every page&\#x2026;<b>had me hooked throughout</b>&\#x2026;a <b>remarkable</b> book&\#x2026;<b>a feast for the senses and your imagination. I really was transported&\#x2026;once it caught me in its hold it didn&\#x2019;t let go until that jaw dropping moment near the very end that had me gasping out loud.</b> I was beginning to wonder how all the dots as such could by joined together but the author did it with a mixture of sensitivity and flair that leaves the reader satisfied and very impressed.&\#x2019; <i>Shaz&\#x2019;s Book Blog</i><br /> <br />&\#x2018;<b>Beautifully written</b> . . . Renita D&\#x2019;Silva skilfully weaves an <b>enthralling</b> tale . . . In so doing, she manages to seamlessly incorporate love, betrayal, disappointment, heartbreak, deceit and victory. This is <b>a wonderful, evocative story</b> that <b>readers will easily embrace and enjoy</b>.&\#x2019; <i>Jan&\#x2019;s Book Buzz</i><br />画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。