The Secret book summary The secret of the Law Of Attraction【電子書籍】[ Qussai Jad ]

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<p>The secret book is one of the most important books of human development and self-help, and it talks primarily about the law of attraction or positive thinking, and what concrete results it has about a person feeling happy, increasing his wealth, improving his health. Summary of the secret book: The summary of the book is based on the law of attraction, and in this paragraph, we can illustrate the concept of this law by the following examples: If a person thinks negatively with a degree of pessimism, the universe attracts more events that provoke feelings of anger, on the contrary, thinking positively with a degree of optimism and fun attracts more events that increase his optimism. If a person feels fear, imagines serious consequences of an operation that he will have in the hospital, the results will not be really satisfactory, but his firm will and thinking about his recovery and deliverance from the disease positively affect his health. If a person wants to buy a new car, and he keeps thinking as if he got it, then this will make it easier for him to actually get the car, the law of attraction is responsible for the order of events according to one's thinking. If a person draws a bright picture of his professional or academic future, he will already excel, but if he keeps thinking about losses, defeats and failures, the negative energy and the gloomy picture painted in his subconscious reduce and blur his abilities and skills, then one remains zero on the sidelines of life. The main themes in the book of the secret: The secret book mainly revolves around the law of attraction according to several basic and main axes, which are as follows: 1. The law of attraction is one of the most important rules and laws in life, and it is the secret behind everything that is successful. 2. The possibility of using the law of attraction in the realization of non-material and intangible desires, such as love, for example. 3. There are certain steps that should be followed to activate the law of attraction. The importance of the this book: The book of the mystery contained many wonderful directions, but these directions, tips and instructions were scattered throughout the book, and the book, as it is known and according to the different editions, falls into a maximum of 213, and if anyone wanted to read the book of the mystery repeatedly and repeatedly in order to implement the laws that it contained on it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。