JARROW社 イチョウ 50:1 (120mg) 120+120 ツインパック 240ベジカプセル

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7,524 엔
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72,920 원

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■ご使用の目安 Take 1 capsule daily with food, or as directed by your qualified health consultant.■英語商品名 Ginkgo Biloba 50:1 (120mg) 120+120 TwinPack 240 vcaps■メーカー名 JARROW社■内容量 240ベジカプセル■商品総重量 294.8g■成分内容(1カプセル中)Ginkgo Biloba (50:1 leaf extract) 120mg Standardized Extract Profile: Ginkgoflavonglycosides - 24% min Terpene Lactones - 6% min (Ginkgolide A - 1.3%) (Ginkgolide B - 1.0%) (Ginkgolide C - 1.2%) (Bilobalide - 2.7%) Other Ingredients: Cellulose、magnesium stearate (vegetable source) and silicon dioxide. Capsule consists of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. No wheat、nogluten、no soybeans、no dairy、no egg、no fish/shellfish、no peanuts/tree nuts. Suitable for vegetarians/vegans. If you have a medical condition (especially bleeding disorders)、are facing surgery、pregnant、lactating、trying to conceive、under the age of 18、or taking medications (especially blood thinners)、consult your health care practitioner before using this product.  1) 広告文責 池田昭広 050-3593-7343 2) メーカー名 JARROW 3) 原産国 アメリカ合衆国 4)商品区分 健康食品