33140006 カラー色紙 二つ折り クローバー柄(1枚入) デザインフィル 4902805331401(20セット)

현지 판매가격(엔)
13,640 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
128,030 원

총 금액 : 0원

ミドリ/カラー色紙フタツオリクローバー 4902805331401(20セット)縦272×横242mmたっぷり書ける二つ折りタイプの色紙です。人数の多い時の寄せ書きに便利です。◆入数:1枚It is the colored paper of a lot of 272* vertical 242mm in width folio types to be able to write. It is convenient for a card with messages when there is many it of the number of people. ◆入数: One piece