シャチハタ プチ朱肉 桃 MGP-20EC2 シヤチハタ 4974052358180(20セット)

현지 판매가격(엔)
6,380 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
63,910 원

총 금액 : 0원

特徴:小型サイズでご家庭での収納や、外出時の携帯にも便利。商品仕様:◆盤面サイズ:直径23mm◆本体サイズ:W38.5×D38.0×H15.0mm◆本体重量:9g補充インキ:朱の油OG−20A characteristic: It is convenient for storing at the home and carrying when going out at small size. Product specifications: ◆Board side size: 23mm in diameter ◆Body size: W38 .5* D38 .0* H15 .0mm ◆Body weight: 9 g of supplement ink: Cinnabar red oil OG-20