NEARPOW ネズミ 駆除 超音波 ネズミ撃退器 電磁波+4種類超音波 業界最大有効範囲150(約100畳) コンセント式 PSE認証済み 日本語取扱説明書付き 便利衛生 無毒無臭 (ブラック)

현지 판매가격(엔)
4,663 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
44,850 원

총 금액 : 0원

Electromagnetic Waves + 4 Types of Ultrasonic Wave: Unlike conventional exterminating products that utilize only 2 types of ultrasonic wave in addition to electromagnetic waves, our products are built to automatically switch back and forth between electromagnetic waves and a combination of 4 types of ultrasonic wave that mice cannot stand. This allows our products to repel mice by creating an environment too uncomfortable for them to inhabit. Simple and Risk-Free Design: Simply plug the device into a wall outlet to start using.With no batteries or charging required, this product is environmentally friendly and designed to reduce electricity costs by conserving energy.It offers twice the performance of competing products. We recommend having it active 24 hours a day in order to achieve even higher extermination results. Largest Effective Range in the Industry (1,614.6 ft2 / 150 m2): Unlike conventional extermination products whose effects only extend as far as 1,076.4 ft2 (100 m2), our products achieve a spherical range of approximately 1,614.6 ft2 (150 m2) with their 25-100 kHz ultrasonic waves.This product is also compact enough to be used virtually anywhere, including bedrooms, restaurants, attics, garages, and offices. Convenient, Sanitary, Nontoxic, and Odorless: This product makes absolutely no use of chemicals, smoke, sprays, or other harmful substances, making it an altogether clean, safe, sanitary, and convenient extermination tool.The electromagnetic and ultrasonic waves it releases have absolutely no harmful effect on pregnant women, children, beds, or indoor electronics.The mice-repelling effects should become visible after 3-4 weeks of continuous use. PSE Certified & Includes Japanese Instruction Manual: This mouse-repelling device is PSE certified, making it completely safe and risk-free.It also comes with a Japanese instruction manual (English language not guaranteed) to make operating the device a smooth and stress-free experience.The device is equipped with a nightlight that automatically turns on at night.