【輸入盤DVD】Daria: Complete Series Collection / Daria: The Complete Animated Series

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7,190 엔
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68,700 원

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こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDですがリージョン=ALLですので国内製DVDプレイヤーでも視聴可能です。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Family Animation発売日:2021/10/22出演者:Alvaro J. Gonzalez, John Lynn, Paul Williams, Russell Hankin, Tracy Grandstaff, Wendy Hoopes, Julian Rebolledo, Jessica Cyndee Jackson, Ashley Albert, Ferdinand Delon, Jessica Cydnee Jackson, Sarah Drew, Steven Huppert, Susie Lewis, Willy Schwenz, Janie Mertz, Marc Thompsonアーティスト:Daria監督:Karen Disher, Anthony Davis, Chris Prynoski, Eric Fogelディスク枚数:8コメント:The people of Lawndale just don't get Daria Morgendorffer. She's cool with that. See, Daria was born alienated, and now she's just trying to make it through high school with as little human contact as possible. Popularity, friends, activities... whatever. Daria lacks enthusiasm, but she makes up for it with sarcasm.