腹巻 メンズ 消臭機能付き 綿 はらまき 薄手 日本製 男女兼用 (クロ)

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2,939 엔
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28,230 원

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腹巻 メンズ 消臭機能付き 綿 はらまき 薄手 日本製 男女兼用 (クロ)ブランド色モデル商品説明Uses a comfortable functional yarn with deodorizing and pH control (oriental STC functioning thread deodorant-C)Since it is a single layer, it does not show through your outerwear.Machine washable at home.Please avoid using a dryer to avoid knitting products, as it may damage the product and may cause it to become smaller.The sizes are men’s, but they can be used by both men and women.