【輸入盤】 Handel ヘンデル / 『サムソン』全曲 アーノンクール&ウィーン・コンツェントゥス・ムジクス、ロルフ・ジョンソン、他(2CD) 【CD】

현지 판매가격(엔)
1,619 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
16,200 원

총 금액 : 0원

出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明Das Alte Werkアーノンクール/ヘンデル:『サムソン』(2CD)【収録情報】・ヘンデル:オラトリオ『サムソン』全曲 アンソニー・ロルフ・ジョンソン ロバータ・アレキサンダー ヨッヘン・コワルスキ アントン・シャリンガー アラステア・マイルズ マリア・ヴェヌティ アンジェラ・マリア・ブラーシ アルノルト・シェーンベルク合唱団 ウィーン・コンツェントゥス・ムジクス ニコラウス・アーノンクール(指揮) 録音:1992年(デジタル)曲目リストDisc11.Symphony/2.Menuet/3.Handel : Samson HWV57 : Act 1 Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound [Chorus of Philistines]/4.Act 1 Scene 1 : Ye Men of Gaza, Hither Bring/5.Act 1 Scene 1 : Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound!/6.Act 1 Scene 1 : Torments, Alas! Are Not Confined/7.Act 1 Scene 2 : O Mirror of Our Fickle State/8.Act 1 Scene 2 : Total Eclipse! No Sun, No Moon, All Dark/9.Act 1 Scene 2 : Since Light So Necessary Is to Life/10.Act 1 Scene 2 : O First Created Beam!/11.Act 1 Scene 3 : Oh Miserbale Change! Is This the Man/12.Act 1 Scene 3 : The Good We Wish for, Often Proves Our Banes/13.Act 1 Scene 3 : Thy Glorious Deeds Inspir'd My Tongue/14.Act 1 Scene 3 : My Genial Spirits Droop, My Hopes Are Flat/15.Act 1 Scene 3 : Then Long Eternity Shall Greet Your Bliss/16.Act 1 Scene 3 : Then Round About the Starry Throne/17.Act 2 Scene 1 : Trust Yet in God! Thy Father's Timely Care/18.Act 2 Scene 1 : Return, Oh God of Hosts!/19.Act 2 Scene 1 : To Dust His Glory They Would Tread/20.Act 2 Scene 2 : With Plaintive Notes and Am'rous Moan/21.Act 2 Scene 2 : Your Charms to Ruin Led the Way/22.Act 2 Scene 2 : My Faith and Truth, Oh Samson, Prove/23.Act 2 Scene 2 : Her Faith and Truth, Oh Samson, Prove/24.Act 2 Scene 2 : To Fleeting Pleasures Make Your Court/25.Act 2 Scene 2 : Her Faith and Truth, Oh Samson, ProveDisc21.Act 2 Scene 2 : N'er Think of That!/2.Act 2 Scene 2 : Traitor to Love! I'll Sue No More/3.Act 2 Scene 3 : To Man God's Universal Law/4.Act 2 Scene 4 : Honour and Arms Scorn Such a Foe/5.Act 2 Scene 4 : Go, Baffled Coward Go / Presume Not on Thy God/6.Act 2 Scene 4 : Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, Hear/7.Act 2 Scene 4 : To Song and Dance We Give the Day/8.Act 2 Scene 4 : To Song and Dance We Give the Day/9.Handel : Samson HWV57: Act 2 Fix'd in His Everlasting Seat/10.Act 3 Scene 1 : More Trouble Is Behind : For Harapha/11.Act 3 Scene 1 : Presuming Slave, to Move Their Wrath/12.Act 3 Scene 1 : With Thunder Arm'd, Great God, Arise/13.Act 3 Scene 1 : Jehova's Glory Known!/14.Act 3 Scene 1 : Thus When the Sun From's Wat'ry Bed/15.Act 3 Scene 1 : With Might Endued Above the Sons of Men/16.Act 3 Scene 1 : The Holy One of Israel Be Thy Guide/17.Act 3 Scene 1 : To Fame Immortal Go/18.Act 3 Scene 2 : Great Dagon Has Subduedour Foe/19.Act 3 Scene 2 : Great Dagon Has Subduedour Foe/20.Act 3 Scene 2 : How Willing My Paternal Love/21.Act 3 Scene 2 : A Symphony of Horror and Confusion/22.Act 3 Scene 2 : Hear Us, Our God, Oh Hear Our Cry!/23.Act 3 Scene 2 : Ye Sons of Israel, Now Lament/24.Act 3 Scene 2 : Weep, Israel, Weep a Louder Strain/25.Act 3 Scene 2 : A Dead March/26.Act 3 Scene 2 : Glorious Hero, May Thy Grave/27.Act 3 Scene 2 : Let the Bright Seraphim in Burning Row/28.Handel : Samson HWV57 : Act 3 Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite [Chorus]