Mechanical Construction Services in South Korea Market Sales【電子書籍】[ Editorial DataGroup Asia ]

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<p>The Mechanical Construction Services South Korea eBook provides 14 years Historic and Forecast data on the market for each of the 29 Products and Markets covered. The Products and Markets covered (Mechanical construction services) are classified by the Major Products and then further defined and analysed by each subsidiary Product or Market Sector. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic and Forecast Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided, as well as Industry Data (59 items) for South Korea.</p> <p>MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES</p> <ol> <li>Mechanical construction services</li> <li>Computer aided design (CAD) services</li> <li>Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) services</li> <li>Fabricators, aluminium</li> <li>Fabricators, aluminium, tubular</li> <li>Fabricators, glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP)</li> <li>Fabricators, heavy steel</li> <li>Fabricators, light alloy, plant structure</li> <li>Fabricators, machinery bases & sides, steel</li> <li>Fabricators, medium steel</li> <li>Fabricators, metal framed halls with plastic covers</li> <li>Fabricators, molybdenum</li> <li>Fabricators, nickel & nickel alloys</li> <li>Fabricators, niobium/columbium</li> <li>Fabricators, non-ferrous alloy, heavy plant</li> <li>Fabricators, plant & machinery</li> <li>Fabricators, plastic, for chemical plant</li> <li>Fabricators, precision mechanical equipment</li> <li>Fabricators, special purpose machines, to own drawings</li> <li>Fabricators, stainless steel</li> <li>Fabricators, stainless steel, tubular</li> <li>Fabricators, stern frame & rudder</li> <li>Fabricators, tantalum</li> <li>Fabricators, titanium</li> <li>Fabricators, transfer machine beds, welded iron</li> <li>Fabricators, tungsten</li> <li>Fabricators, zirconium</li> <li>Toolmaking services</li> <li>Mechanical construction services, NSK</li> </ol> <p>There are 188 Financial items covered, including:<br /> Total Sales, Pre-tax Profit, Interest Paid, Non-trading Income, Operating Profit, Depreciation: Structures, Depreciation: P + E, Depreciation: Misc., Total Depreciation, Trading Profit, Intangible Assets, Intermediate Assets, Assets: Structures, Assets: P + E, Total Fixed Assets, Capital Expenditure: (Structures, P + E, Vehicles, Data Processing, Misc.), Total Capital Expenditure, Retirements: Structures, Retirements: P + E, Retirements: Misc., Total Retirements, Total Fixed Assets, Finished Product Stocks, Work in Progress, Materials as Stocks, Total Stocks / Inventory, Debtors, Maintenance Costs, Services Purchased, Total Current Assets, Total Assets, Creditors, Short Term Loans, Total Current Liabilities, Net Assets / Capital Employed, Shareholders Funds, Long Term Loans, Long Term Liabilities, Workers, Hours Worked, Employees, Raw Materials, Finished Materials, Fuel, Electricity, Total Input Supplies / Materials + Energy Costs, Payroll Costs, Wages, Director Remunerations, Employee Benefits, Employee Commissions, Total Employees Remunerations, Sub Contractors, Rental & Leasing: Structures, Rental & Leasing: P + E, Total Rental & Leasing Costs, Maintenance: Structures, Maintenance: P + E, Communications Costs, Misc. Expenses, Sales Personnel Variable Costs, Sales Expenses, Sales Materials Costs, Total Sales Costs, Distribution Fixed + Variable Costs, Premises Fixed Costs, Premises Variable Costs, Physical Handling Fixed + Variable Costs, Physical Process Fixed + Variable Costs, Distribution Costs, Media Advertising, Advertising Materials, POS & Display, Events, Advertising Costs, Product Handling, Product Support, Product Service, Customer Problem Costs, After-Sales Costs, Marketing Costs, New Technology + Production Technology Expenditure, Research + Development Expenditure, Operational & Process Costs, Debtors (Terms + Un-recoverable).<br /> /.. etc.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。