A Simple Guide to Lows and Highs of Hearing Disorders, Diagnosis, Treatment and Related Conditions【電子書籍】[ Kenneth Kee ]

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<p>This book describes the Lows and Highs of Hearing Disorders, Diagnosis and Treatment and Related Diseases</p> <p>Hearing is one of the most important human senses.</p> <p>People use the hearing to take in the information around them and learn from their experiences.</p> <p>To go through life without hearing is not easy but possible (especially with use of sign language).</p> <p>Hearing refers to the ability to perceive noise and sounds.</p> <p>The hearing is used to listen to music, talk to people around the person and assess social and environmental situations.</p> <p>The sounds the person hears each day serve to make the life richer.</p> <p>Birds chirping, a child laughing or the favorite song have sound value that is intangible, but still shapes the everyday life in manners that people often take for granted.</p> <p>The hearing is also a teaching instrument, warning people of possible danger and permitting people to pick up on social cues.</p> <p>The sound of fire alarms, a telephone ringing or a car horn can all be very important in a dangerous situation.</p> <p>The Lows of Hearing: Hearing Loss</p> <p>There are 2 main forms of hearing loss.</p> <ol> <li>Conductive hearing loss - this happens when there is a problem in the transmission of sound waves from the external ear, through the middle ear.</li> </ol> <p>The disease processes can happen at any level along this part of the ear.</p> <p>Conductive hearing loss (CHL) happens due to a mechanical problem in the outer or middle ear.</p> <p>This may be because:<br /> a. The three tiny bones of the ear (ossicles) are not conducting sound properly.<br /> Otosclerosis<br /> Prebysacusis<br /> Otitis Media<br /> b. The eardrum is not vibrating in reaction to sound.<br /> Eardrum perforation<br /> Wax in ear canal</p> <ol start="2"> <li>Sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) - this indicates problems happening in the cochlea (the most frequent site of disease), cochlear nerve or brain stem, leading to abnormal or absent neurosensory impulses.</li> </ol> <p>Sensorineural hearing loss is more frequent in adults.</p> <p>Hearing loss can also be separated into categories to indicate the severity.</p> <p>Mild hearing loss (20-40 dB HL): cannot hear whispers</p> <p>Moderate hearing loss (41-70 dB HL): cannot hear conversational speech</p> <p>Severe hearing loss (71-95 dB HL): cannot hear shouting, need a hearing aid</p> <p>Profound hearing loss (95 dB HL or more): cannot hear sounds that would be painful to listen to for a hearing person</p> <p>Hearing loss can be acquired (due to injury or infection) or a result of genetics and congenital disorders.</p> <p>Hearing loss is treatable, but the sooner it is treated, the better.</p> <p>Highs of Hearing: Hypersensitivity to Sound</p> <p>Hypersensitivity to sound can be equally a symptom and a source of anxiety.</p> <p>People talking, honking of car horns, clanking of pans, and printers printing can become quite a nuisance as each tiny noise is an added injury to the brain.</p> <p>In dangerous situations, noise hypersensitivity may be advantageous.</p> <p>Those that have felt trauma may also become more sensitive to sound.</p> <p>Decreased sound tolerance follow tinnitus in 60% of patients</p> <p>Hyperacusis is a collapsed tolerance to normal environmental sounds.</p> <p>Misophonia (hatred of sound) is an adverse response to sound at any volume.</p> <p>It is possible to achieve the cure for both hyperacusis and misophonia with tinnitus retraining therapy and sound desensitization.</p> <p>The ability to hear is important to all healthy persons.</p> <p>TABLE OF CONTENT<br /> Introduction<br /> Chapter 1 Hearing Disorders<br /> Chapter 2 Hearing Loss (Deafness)<br /> Chapter 3 Otosclerosis<br /> Chapter 4 Prebyacusis<br /> Chapter 5 Tinnitus (Updated)<br /> Chapter 6 Hyperacusis (Updated)<br /> Chapter 7 Misophonia (Updated)<br /> Chapter 8 Meniere’s Disease (Updated)<br /> Epilogue</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。