フ252 赤城 仏御仏前入百円袋 日の出紙工 4901125002527

현지 판매가격(엔)
149 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
1,430 원

총 금액 : 0원

あかぎ フ252 弔事用のし紙 御仏前百円袋 10枚入り フ252お得なセット販売はこちら特徴:仏事用のし袋御仏前百円袋商品仕様:◆金額の目安:千円〜一万円位迄◆用途:法事用。死亡日より49日以後に使用します◆のり付きワンタッチになっています◆入数:10枚◆材質:上質紙A characteristic: Envelope for a gift of money Buddhist altar 100 yen bag for the Buddhist mass Product specifications: ◆The eyes of the amount of money are it lower: It is ◆ use to 1,000 yen - around 10,000 yen: Buddhist memorial service use. ◆ number becoming the one-touch with ◆ paste using 49 days later from death day containing: Ten pieces ◆Materials: Fine paperHow to order in shopping cart