ローストフレンチオーカー (Roasted French Ochre) 15mlチューブ 水彩絵具 ダニエル・スミス ダニエルスミス

현지 판매가격(엔)
1,640 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
15,660 원

총 금액 : 0원

Roasted French Ochre 15ml Tube - DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor SKU: 284600171 Pigment: PR 102 | Series: 2 Lightfastness: I - Excellent Transparency: Transparent Staining: 2-Low Staining Granulation: Granulating DANIEL SMITH Roasted French Ochre Watercolor is a strong, natural orange-brown perfect for landscapes and portraiture. If you're already a fan of our French Ochre, you'll love this versatile, palette-friendly variation.