プラス メクリッコ KM-301 S ブルー 袋入 4977564034818

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118 엔
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1,130 원

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長時間つけていてもムレにくく、事務作業もスムーズです。しっかりめくれる合成ゴムタイプ●指サック●合成ゴム<ブルー>●色:ブルー●種別:S●内径12.0×長14mm●入数:4個●材質:合成ゴム※一部天然ゴム含む(抗菌タイプ)For a long time even Mouret is difficult to finger cots. 1 bag 4 PCs. Even leaving from post less to other Office work. And with a high-friction material "northolex", mekuremasu smooth paper. -S-inside diameter: 13 mm-length: 14 mm-Lady finger for Jan:4977564034818 ? Body weight (kg):0.001 ◆ more interior width (mm): 102 ? pieces exterior depth (mm): 73 ◆ pieces exterior height (mm): 17 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.002How to order in shopping cart