シャトー タルボ 1967 ダブルマグナム 2960ml 液漏れ Chateau Talbot フランス ボルドー 赤ワイン[のこり1本]

현지 판매가격(엔)
74,800 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
717,560 원

총 금액 : 0원

生産者シャトー タルボChateau Talbotヴィンテージ1967容量2960ml解説パーカーポイント: 75点予想される飲み頃:1983One of the more attractive wines of the vintage, the 1967 Talbot is now cracking up. Short, compact flavors now exhibit little of the rich, fruity, robustness exhibited in the mid-1970s. Anticipated maturity: Now. Last tasted, 1/83.(Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate, 1st Jan 1998)