MLB ヤンキース カルロス・ロドン コレクタブルアイテム(プラーク) Fanatics(ファナティクス) (UNS MLB PP24 PLAQUE)

현지 판매가격(엔)
5,902 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
56,180 원

총 금액 : 0원

If your favorite player on the New York Yankees is Carlos Rodon, then be sure to pick up this 10.5" x 13" Sublimated Player Plaque. Featuring the star player in-action, this framed plaque is the perfect way to emphasize your fandom of Carlos Rodon for years to come.Officially licensedBrand: Fanatics AuthenticMade in the USAFrame measures approx. 10.5'' x 13'' x 1''